Add Directors
Arrangement of chiefs are finished by the investors of an organization for dealing with the undertakings of the organization according to the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the organization.
Add Directors
Add of chiefs are finished by the investors of an organization for dealing with the undertakings of the organization according to the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the organization. Since an organization is a fake legal individual made by law, arrangement of executives can just act with the help of characteristic people. Subsequently, just living people can be Directoars of an organization and the administration of an organization is depended to the Board of Directors. Arrangement of Directors can be required for an organization every once in a while dependent on the necessities of the investors of the business.
For arrangement of executives, the individual proposing to turn into a Director must get an advanced mark declaration (DSC) and chief recognizable proof number (DIN). Racket can be acquired for any individual who is over the age of 18. The nationality or residency status of the DIN candidate doesn’t matters. Thus, Indian Nationals, Non-Resident Indians and Foreign Nationals can acquire DIN and can take an interest in arrangement of executive of an organization in India.

Procedure For Add Director
Provide Simple Details
You are required to fill details in our simple questionnaire.
Submit all the Documents
Submit all the required Documents and information for further process.
Filing Your Documents
We will file the documents with Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Documents via courier
We shall then,send your documents to you via Courier.
Your work is completed
Congratulations ! Your work is Done.
Documents Required For Add Director
- Checking DSC Availability
- Preparation of Board Resolution
- Making ROC Payment
- Name Approval Letter
What’s included in package?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are a Director’s fiduciary responsibilities?
What is an alternate director?
How does a company appoint a director?
Who may appoint an alternate director?
What happens to the alternate if the director who appointed them ceases to be a director?
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